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Sunday, April 1, 2012


after reading through some of my more recent blog posts, 
i realized that i may have misrepresented myself.
you see, my life is not as put together as it may seem...
in fact, i would say it is rather chaotic, stressful, and in need of organization.
and possibly new long-term goals?
in my attempt to be more optimistic
(something i am striving to do each day),
my true feelings (or reactions, perhaps?) have been slightly overshadowed. 
i wanted to tell you that i am not always the kind, patient, well-dressed, and positive person depicted on this blog...
here are a few confessions:

i bite my nails. constantly. it is actually rather disgusting.

i sometimes listen to the same song over and over and over.

i have little patience while driving. i absolutely cannot stand slow drivers.

i talk to myself fairly often. especially when i am in need affirmation or motivation.

i eat frozen waffles every single day. is that bad?

i am ashamed at how poorly i keep in touch with some of my faraway friends. 
i miss them all so much! 

i despise blow-drying my hair (hence the daily ponytail).
in fact, today i do not think i remembered to brush my hair...

i look to other blogs for outfit inspiration.

i had my heart broken not too long ago.

i bought pop tarts today (!!!).

i have an obscene amount of laundry to do. i am completely out of socks.

i like to have one (or two) stuffed animal(s) to sleep with at night.

i sometimes have a panic attack. 

i have a horrid memory. especially with names. 

of course i have numerous other flaws, but these are the first few that came to mind. 
i wanted to be honest with you because, after all, this blog details my life.
 ...and my life is not nearly as picturesque as i may have lead you to believe :)


  1. "i sometimes listen to the same song over and over and over." Katie Herzig, Closest I Get, I listen to it every single day.

    I am glad you don't have it altogether, otherwise I would feel really bad about myself.

    Panic Attacks are great, and by great I mean horrifying~

    1. i haven't heard that song, but am listening to it now. LOVE IT! and thank you for the sweet message :) your blog is amazing, too!!

  2. Doll, these are NOT flaws, these are characteristics of what makes you fabulous. You are a unique, beautiful woman whose blog I look forward to reading. You are funny, enlightening, motivational, and have the personality of someone I'd LOVE to call a friend.

    You have not misinterpreted yourself to us at all; you have merely done what we all do when our world seems to fall apart. You have put on your pretty face and held it together like the strong woman you are.

    Cheers to being fabulous with the best name our mothers could have given us :)

    xo Meg

    1. aw meg, you are very sweet! i love you! thank you for such a kind response. it seems strange that we have not really met, because i feel like you are such a good friend! i feel the same about your blog, and look forward to reading it each day :) thank you again little twin!

  3. Love this post...I kept reading and saying "me too" haha. Flaws make us who we are, and most of yours are adorable, Or maybe I'm just saying that because they apply to me too...who knows :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  4. Friend, I completely understand ((And eat frozen waffles every morning too. No lie. Today I had to hide it in my purse to make it through a torrential downpour. Dedication.)) I am so inspired by your post and glad you shared it. I think about this all. the. time. and could not be happier to hear your thoughts on it. The good news is that we will all still like you just the same ((if not more!)) because we all have piles of laundry. I guarantee it :)

  5. I think...we may be twins.

  6. I love this post. We are so similar on so many of these. Lets discuss over smoothies this week!
