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Tuesday, April 10, 2012


today is the day! 
double the babies :)
it should be interesting crazy, but fun, too.
i saw one of my favorite munchkins this morning,
and after ripping the tag off her new coat, 
she said "whoa your muscles are so so so so so so so big, megan!"
bless her heart :)
i will need said muscles today to carry both car seats, babes, diaper bags, etc. etc. 
i got very dressed up today...
shirt: opal & leggings: jcpenney
i think i need these little gems to wear this summer...
you can purchase them, too here.

munchkin and i have a special diy planned for you tomorrow.
please check back then :)


  1. Oh the twiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnns.

    You should have told me to pray for you YESTERDAY. You totally dropped that ball, totally.

  2. Friend... those shoes. Yes and yes. AND YES.

  3. I'm excited for the DIY!! I'm a sucker for do it yourself for really cheap stuff :)

  4. Those shoes are adorable! Can't wait for the DIY :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  5. Hello hello! I found your blog via Kinsey's and am SO GLAD that I did! I'm your newest follower. xoxo

  6. So when I first read this I thought your title was Musicals, and I was so confused. Like what the heck, why is she talking about muscles, her title said Musical....o wait. Good job Ka. HA! Hope you had a good day and your MUSCLES aren't too worn out!
