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Tuesday, March 26, 2013


^^^ super unprofessional ^^^
tank & leggings: f21, sweater: nordstrom rack, moccasins: minnetonka

though seemingly grungy, this outfit was ideal for preschool.
especially because i came home covered in boogers
and cookie crumbs and cookie/cracker fingerprints on my pants.
i think there may have been spaghetti sauce on various parts of my sweater, too.
thus, dressing up isn't a huge priority around here
(particularly during the week).
and then? let's be honest... all i want to do is lounge in my sweats on the weekends.
hence why this isn't a true fashion blog,
though i often wish it could be.
maybe with a career change and the purchase of a quality camera, 
i could be a chic fashion blogger?
until then, i'll settle for this little lifestyle blog - just the way it is. 

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a super cute and cozy outfit! I worked at a daycare for a few years and we were forced to wear gross XL shirts that had holes, spaghetti stains and boogers all over it!
