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Saturday, February 18, 2012

diy spaghetti scarf

happy saturday!
it is frigid, windy, and pouring rain in seattle,
so i spent the day with my mama and pooch.
we baked gluten-free brownies, 
snuggled with a certain dog,
went on a quick trip to target,
and tried out a new diy scarf tutorial.

spaghetti knit scarf:
scissors & a large recycled t-shirt
{ i purchased mine at goodwill for three dollars }
first, cut off the bottom hem of the shirt.
next, cut directly across the top of the shirt, from one armpit to the other.
{ it should look something like this }
now, fold the shirt in half, left to right - the two sides of the shirt should be touching.
although this step is not necessary, it can help you space out the next cuts you will make...
make cuts from one side of the shirt to the other,
approximately one inch apart.
be sure not to cut all the way to the opposite edge of the shirt.
{ see below }
i left an inch or two on the top, and made additional cuts later.
after making your cuts, you should have long loops spanning across the shirt.
stretch the individual loops so they begin to curl - 
this helps to make your cuts look more even, as many of mine were not :)
lastly, gather the scarf at the top (where you left an inch of so of area uncut),
and wrap around.
the finished product should look something like this!

i cannot wait to wear this simple, but fun new scarf!

*original tutorial found here


  1. I love this DIY! I did a similar one on my blog not too long ago, but I made a fringe scarf instead. I will DEFINITELY be trying this one though! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. awesome diy, i like the scarf

  3. love it! that came out so cute!

  4. Wow! Nice! :)

  5. what a great idea!! i love the idea recycling clothes to make new stuff xo


  6. Very interesting tutorial, can't wait to see it on you!

  7. I love this! It looks so cool.

  8. What a fun and cool idea! Thanks for sharing this! I might do this when I find a t-shirt I would like to cut to pieces :)

  9. omg that is awesome, soooo trying that!

  10. WOW! This looks so cool!!!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  11. ooh, I am definitely going to make one of these this week! thanks for the DIY!

  12. very cute idea! i love scarves
