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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

frock stock love

one of my favorite means of shopping is via thrifting. 
vintage blouses, skirts, and dresses are a few of my most sought after items this spring.
i am craving pastel colored clothing, cute prints, and colorful jewelry and accessories. 
however, thrifting is not always usually, but not always a success.  
it is frustrating to walk away empty handed, 
as sifting through the numerous items requires patience. 

however, i know i can always find vintage-inspired items on one of my favorite websites!
if you are not familiar with them,
you must take a peak! 
their styles are adorable, and with affordable pricing,
it is near impossible not to walk away with something (online of course).

the following items are on my wishlist :)
{ no shopping during lent for me, so i will be waiting until april to buy }
(i had others, but soon realized i had almost the entire store in my "shopping bag" - whoops!)
be sure to check out their website, as they receive new merchandise often.
happy shopping!

*also, if you are a blogger, they have a special discount for you! 


  1. Oh these are all SO fun! I better stay away from that website - could be bad news...that necklace is absolutely gorgeous :)

    The Other Side of Gray

    1. i love the necklace! it is only fifteen dollars, too :)

  2. How cute! And they give discounts for bloggers? I love that! :)

    1. kaleigh, it is 40% off!!!!! amazing, isn't it? and they are looking for bloggers during the month of march! you can contact the owner here:

      i will send her the link to your blog if you are interested! you can post on their page!

  3. I love the color of that bag! Never even heard of that website. Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Hi. I am a thrifty gal too. These are wonderful. Love that bag.
