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Monday, February 20, 2012

monday fun-day

dear middle aged woman who almost hit us in the parking lot, 

not sure if you knew this, but you actually drive on the right side of the road. i stay on my right (for quick clarification, that would be your left). this way, we avoid hitting one another. i was very confused when i saw you driving on the left side of the road, and even more confused when you saw me coming, stopped completely, did not attempt to move over, and ignored my small honk and perplexed face. please go back to driving school. or learn left from right. until then, stay off the road so other drivers, such as myself, are not in an accident due to your negligence. 

loui would greatly appreciate this, too, as he does not want any more dents and scratches to his silver coat. 

primary colors again today.
i cannot get enough of these red jeans!

despite our near collision in the 24-hour fitness parking lot, today was a wonderful holiday :) i spent the day with my former roommate, k. we had an epic feast, followed by frozen yogurt, and a tiny bit of shopping. i will consider those "had to have" 52 dollar leggings a reward for... hmm... okay, just a reward. i plan to live in them though! they double as leggings, workout pants, lounge-wear, or, my new uniform. want your own pair? these come highly recommended. 
this treat - also highly recommended.


  1. People are terrible drivers.. Always will be! I love those red jeans :)

    1. i agree! absolutely awful haha. and thank you my dear :) they are from american eagle - super inexpensive, too!

  2. I'm so glad you didn't get hit! Stupid drivers.

    Lovin' the jeans!

  3. haha love the story. and your primary colors are fantastical xo


  4. Sounds like an awesome day! Love the red pants...and that fro yo looks delish! Bad drivers are the wooooorst - glad Loui survived!

    The Other Side of Gray
