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Thursday, February 2, 2012

twenty-three to thirty-one

alas, i have finished my photo a day challenge :)
here are the final few!
sweater & headband: f21, skirt & tights: nordstrom, shoes: target

above pictures
*something old
*guilty pleasure
*outside & inside my fridge
*me again

i am very happy tomorrow is friday
this has been a busy week
lots of work
book club was last night
and it was amazing :)
love those girls
and the delicious treats they shared
we read "my name is marry sutter" by robin oliveira
have you read it?

{similar finds }


  1. Hi! Just wanted to say hi and thank you for following! I am officially a follower of you as well! :)

  2. Hi Megan! Thank you for visiting and leaving such a lovely comment!! :)
    Omg I've seen those shoes popping out lately! It's so cute!! :)

    accidental encounters

  3. That outfit looks so cute on you! I love those shoes, I actually considered buying them at Target. I also love it when I get chai tea and it has a funky leaf design in it.
