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Saturday, March 3, 2012

quick update

hi everyone, 
i am back.
it was hard to be away, but necessary.
i am ever so grateful for your kind words.
you do not know how much your comments have meant to me!
i want to run over and give you all hugs :)
and to my "real" friends 
(i.e. those not here in blog-land),
i do not know what i would do without you.
your phone calls, text messages, and kind words have been wonderful.

my heart still physically hurts.
...has that happened to you?
(if so, i am so very sorry because i now know how it feels,
and i would love to hear your advice as to how you made it through)
i know i will get through this,
i know i will.
but right now it feels impossible.
my heart aches,
i do not want to be alone, 
and all i want is to feel better.
i promise i am taking care of myself...
spending time with girlfriends,
talking to my family and far away friends,
taking naps,
going for walks,
trying to keep busy, 
and eating this...

thank you again for all of your support.
readers, "real" friends, and family, 
i love you.

*image found on google


  1. my dear, so sorry to hear about this! Heartbreak is seriously the least fun thing you could possibly go through. From my experience my advice is to stay busy very very busy. If you ever want to grab a drink or ice cream :) after work let me know! Ill make sure we have fun next saturday too! <3<3

  2. Sadly in my experience of a broken heart, the only healer is time, which is a shame as it is one of the few things you cant do for yourself. I guess until enough time has passed that you feel ok again you have to be busy and surround yourself with lovely things and even lovelier people x

  3. Ah, so sorry to hear about this! Stay strong and positive, remember that you are surrounded by so much love -- in your real world and in the blogging world! Eat lots of sweets, too! xo
