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Sunday, March 4, 2012

big changes around here

there are quite a few changes going on right now for this girl.
...more than the aforementioned relationship change :(
(that, in and of itself, is an extremely difficult and painful change)
however, on a more positive note...
i have decided to switch jobs and go back to school :)
in addition, i will be getting a new roommate in a few weeks.
i promise to introduce you to her, 
as she is a lovely girl, and her wardrobe?!
it is a dream.

while i am very sad to be leaving my current job,
i am immensely grateful for the professional experience i gained,
the community i became a part of,
and the insight it provided me on what i would like for my future to entail.
leaving my work community is going to be difficult,
especially when they have been supportive of my continued education,
personal and professional goals,
and current... ahem... emotional state. 

as for the new job...
 it is going to be much different, 
quite a bit busier,
and will require loui (my car) to adapt, too...
i am now the official nanny to four new kiddos 
(all of varying ages, and from different families).

when i am not running around with the munchkins,
i will be taking journalism classes in the hopes of becoming a "real" writer - 
i.e. writing somewhere other than here in blog-land.

i only have two more days at my current place of work,
and will then begin this endeavor. 
wish me luck!
and thank you again for all of your kind words these past few days :)


  1. Aw you go girl! Stay strong! Love your blog :)

  2. wow you are going through so much stuff! how crazy! i hope everything is going smoothly and you're staying relaxed xo im sending good vibes out to you lovely

  3. I think big changes are the perfect way to go - congrats! Looking forward to our thrifting/antiquing adventure next weekend :)

    1. thank you, holly! i am very excited, too! i need you and kelly to help me decorate my apartment :)

  4. Aw. <3 You will get through this all, and in time, it will merely be a blip in your overall happiness. I'm a preschool teacher and a babysitter, myself, and the cowhide-printed car seat in my backseat has become a familiar reminder of the sweet little girl who brings me happiness everyday. :)

    I'm also going back to school in the fall!

    Enjoy the roller coaster - that's what life is all about!

    Sending you lots of love. <3

    1. that is so exciting! thank you for the lovely comment :) isn't it amazing how much happiness children bring you?! i cannot wait!

  5. I was a nanny for 6 1/2 years for 3 kids while finishing my journalism degree. You go girl!

  6. Oh I used to nanny and I still miss them! I can't do it anymore because I get too attached but enjoy it!


  7. Gosh I thought for a second you had adopted triplets!!! Well done girl, I hope it all works out for you!

    1. hahahaha you crack me up! that picture definitely looks like it! and thank you very much :)

  8. that is a lot of changes! I hope that the transition goes well! I expect lots of cute kid stories too. : )

    1. i promise to keep you updated! with so many little guys, there will surely be stories worth sharing :)

  9. I haven't stopped by in a few days (thank you grad school, thank you very much :/) and SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED. Friend, I am so excited for you!! I quit my job and went back to school last year. Its so scary, so exciting, and so inspiring all at the same time.

    Good luck, I just know that you will do great, great things!!
