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Monday, March 5, 2012

crazy hair.

happy monday! 
i love how my hair and this tree are one in the same.
this picture is fairly accurate...
...for the nubbin (my miniature ponytail) has been acting up.
it is in need of a cut and maybe a new color?.
perhaps a new "do" will get me out of my funk :)

outfit details: 
magenta jeans & chambray: nordstrom, flats: dsw, necklace: borrowed

i forgot to tell you that my nickname, "mowgli," 
stems from my hair being identical to that of the jungle boy. 
do you see the resemblance?!
a very short, dark, and unruly mane (as pictured above).

enough about my crazy hair...
i hope everyone had a great day,
and i will see you tomorrow sporting the last bit of my office attire! 


  1. Eek! You are gor-geous! Love that big smile and the bright colors your in. So glad to see your back to blogging. Side note, come to blog tomorrow .... have a quote that'll be up that may help you out a bit :)

    xo Meg

  2. I miss you Megan! I have tag questions for you on my blog... pls check it out!

    1. hi! i miss you! going to check it out now :)
