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Sunday, April 15, 2012

little blog award

d from lovely memories is one of the sweetest bloggers i know :)
i love the stories she shares about her family, 
her adorable outfits,
tasty recipes,
and the wisdom she expresses via blogging.
she kindly nominated this blog for a little award! 

now it is my turn to nominate five of my favorite blogs...
i envy her thrifted finds!

i love this girl.
her craft projects, outfits, and daily photos are inspiring.

3. kaleigh
this gal is a true fashionista :)

i swear this girl is my best friend. she is so very sweet!

check out this newly engaged, adorable, and beautifully dressed lady! 

thank you again, d :)
hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

*image found on google 


  1. Thanks for sharing! I need to check these ladies out :)


  2. Thank you so much for the lovely post :) I totally think we are virtual bff's :) Hope you had a fabulous weekend pretty lady!


  3. You are super sweet! Thanks! I left my power cord in Alaska so I can't blog for a while and it's making me a little crazy! I miss my laptop!
