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Monday, December 24, 2012

holiday shopping tips // guest post

happy holidays readers! 
i have a special guest post for you regarding holiday shopping from my friend, brooke.
 happy shopping, too!
Holiday Shopping in Style 
The holidays are such a fun time to shop. Stores have festive music and excellent deals and everyone seems to be in a good mood. Hitting the mall to prepare for this season of giving is a great way to spend an afternoon, but you want to be dressed properly for the task at hand. Finding outfits that are comfortable but cute can make the experience so much more enjoyable. Here are a few ways to get dressed and ready to hit the stores! 

Wear Comfortable Shoes 
When you tally up the distance you can walk in the three or more hours you'll spend browsing stores in a mall, you may be shocked. Shopping can let you get some serious exercise! With that in mind, choose shoes that can take this challenge. This isn't the time to wear high heels or those adorable flats that look great but pinch your toes. Look through your closet for supportive shoes you know you can wear for hours. This way, you can keep your footwear from cutting short your shopping fun. 

Carry a Small Purse 
If your shopping expedition is successful, chances are you're going to be lugging around a number of bags. The last thing you want to do is bring another huge bag to weigh you down. Choose instead a small, sensible purse with a strap. It should be big enough to fit your wallet, cell phone, some lip gloss and your keys, but little else. There are so many cute bags out there, you're sure to find one to fit your style. 

Wear layers 
Shopping this time of year often means leaving the house shivering but sweating once you enter the mall. The stores are usually nicely heated, and then factor in all the exercise and bag lugging you'll be doing; it's easy to get overheated. As a result, a trip to the mall is a perfect opportunity to wear layers like a cute cotton top with an open sweater over it or a blazer with a T-shirt or tank top underneath. The top layer helps to keep you warm, but can be taken off when the temperature rises!  

Find a Cute Hat 
When you're slinging bags over your shoulders, trying on different outfits and working up a small sweat trekking around the mall, it can be difficult to keep your hair looking spectacular. Consider covering up with an adorable hat that will also serve the dual purpose of keeping you warm on wintery days. Such an accessory can help keep you looking fabulous no matter how hard you've worked, and you won't have to worry about your hair falling out of its style, getting frizzy or sticking up in funny places! 

The spirit of good cheer combined with some of the best deals of the year makes the holiday season one of the best times of the year to shop. Make the most of the experience by choosing sensible clothing selections to help keep you going while still looking cute and stylish.

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