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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

from cynical, to less cynical, to optimistic

"had a bad day"
...or bad couple of days to be more accurate. 
it started with the food poisoning sunday,
followed by waking up before five AM for work monday,
sick babies,
my boss subsequently getting sick,
said goodbye to my best friend as she is returning to school,
one of the babies needing surgery,
being late to work,
a two hour-long commute home, 
running out of gas,
a coworker getting sick, too,
nearly freezing in this horrid weather,
and alas, a parking ticket. 

on the plus side, the cash machine on my bus broken,
so my two hour ride home was free, free, free
the silver lining, you see.
but to be honest, 
i think i am just grumpy and exhausted and being overly cruel.
thankfully tomorrow is wednesday,
my family is home safely from mexico,
i indulged in a seven layer burrito for dinner,
and i can return to my normal routine (and shortened commute) tomorrow.
i promise to wake up on the right side of the bed, too. 
until then...

*images found on tumblr


  1. the masks Mowgli!! just think of the masks!!

  2. Stay positive and continue looking at the bright side of things. A free 2 hour bus ride * a 7 layer burrito definitely equals the bright side of the situation!
