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Thursday, January 31, 2013

from the rambler

1. this whole unpacking deal is horrid; it seems to be taking longer than it should - mainly because i don't have any motivation. focus, focus, focus.

2. did this week feel particularly long to you, or was it just me?

3. i have had frozen yogurt almost every day for the past two weeks. addicted?

4. i cannot stop listening to of monsters and men. i love their song "little talks," but "dirty paws" is quite good, too. 

5. remember my no shopping bet? going strong (or trying to). i have not shopped in eight days. i know this is seemingly pathetic, but it is a feat for me! 

6. when i finish unpacking this weekend (because i am determined to finish; sorry for the epic mess, roommates!), i shall reward myself with an extra long nap. in a clean bedroom. one in which i can actually see the floor. 

7. and now it is time to hastily get ready for work as i was supposed to be ready by meow. 


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