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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

movin' movin'

the move is done.
...or almost done, i should say. 
after what feels like an eternity of purging, packing, stuffing, carting, and transporting,
i am just about ready to finish begin the unpacking portion.
unfortunately, this will require a great deal of time and an immense decrease
in the number of possessions (and clothes) i currently own.
with my inability to shop (due to the bet), 
how am i to get rid of more? what will i wear?
i am merely kidding. i feel like a hoarder right now.
i have to step over garbage bags filled with clothes
and other miscellaneous boxes and bags of items to navigate my bedroom.
this morning, i sat on a bag of sweatshirts in front of my mirror while 
attempting to dry my hair and drink my coffee #help #toomuchstuff.
if i am gone around here a bit, i either died amongst the rubble,
or am praying that a magic fairy came to unpack everything.
...until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Moving is the worst! Last summer I moved next door and thought those 20 steps may just about kill me! Where did you move to?

    Dani //
