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Sunday, February 17, 2013

"how many kitchens do you have?"

t-shirt: target, sweater: the loft, scarf: borrowed from my roommate, a, 
jeans: nordstrom, moccasins: minnetonka, bag: pacsun

today was quite the lazy (yet somewhat productive) day. 
i slept in, went for a walk, volunteered, cleaned house, 
and then decided to shower and meet a girlfriend for dinner at 4pm.
we dined here, where i enjoyed a delicious mocha milkshake.
and after our feast, i left to watch my favorite munchkin from preschool.

while babysitting last night, 
i had the most interesting conversation with an eight-year-old boy.
i cannot tell you how intelligent (and kind) he was.
he was ever so curious about my roommates,
particularly whether or not we all sleep in the same bed - 
asking if this was our family tradition. 
i suppose (to an eight-year-old), five girls living together would seem rather odd.
to us, it is normative; to him, it was quite the topic of conversation.
sadly, no, we do not all sleep in the same bed (i explained to him),
but we do spend a fair amount of time together! 
does that count for something?
he also wondered if we all had our own kitchen, 
or if we somehow managed to share?
what if more than one person has to go to the bathroom?
can we go into another person's room?
bless his heart! 
no, we (manage to) share one kitchen and two bathrooms,
but it works quite well. 
and yes, we are allowed to go into one another's bedroom. you can tell from the above photograph, 
i certainly make an appearance in my roommates' closets.
five girls + five potential closets = one very happy girl right here.
enjoy the rest of your weekend! 

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