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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

my saving grace

dress: banana republic outlet, sweater: opal, necklace: old navy, tights: target, slippers: ugg

my first official photo inside my new home!
welcome, everyone.
it truly does feel like home, and i am ever so grateful to my roommates 
for 1. tolerating my mess (not quite unpacked around here), and
2. helping me to feel welcome.

my saving grace, you may ask? the above ugg slippers.
thank you, mom for such a generous christmas gift.
they are life changing. never have i had such a fancy and warm pair of slippers.
i live in them; 
there have been numerous occasions where i have walked out of the house 
wearing these, having forgotten to put on real shoes.
though i promise i did put on black shoes before going out in this dress last weekend.
do you own ugg slippers? 
if not, this girl highly recommends them.

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