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Thursday, March 21, 2013

a little celebration

^^^ photo painted by my little buddy ^^^

since high school, volunteering has been an integral part of my life.
i find it incredibly rewarding to know that my time and efforts are benefiting someone else;
i want to make a difference. 
perhaps this is a selfish way of thinking 
(knowing that helping someone else also helps me to feel better),
but this is my honest opinion. 

a few months ago,
i was matched with a new "little buddy" to mentor.
let me tell you, she is incredible.
her family situation is quite sad, but they are still very much involved in her life.
my role is to visit her on a weekly basis, check in with how she is doing,
and simply have fun with her! 
i thought it would be fun to celebrate (belatedly) my birthday with cupcakes.
we both have a very large sweet tooth and enjoyed the treats immensely.

my buddy painted the above photo of the puppy (a direct replica of bailey,
don't you think?), but wanted to keep it for herself.
she said i should take a photo of her painting "so i could remember it."
well little miss, i did just that! 
thank you for celebrating with me and making a difference in my life.

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