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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

bad hair day

blouse: f21, jeans: gap, boots: hunter, bracelets: jcpenney

i made a mistake...
isn't the biggest faux pas of having bangs to cut them yourself?
well, i did it.
actually, first i had my roommate, a, do a slight bang trim for me.
she did a great job, too.
but then, i decided i wanted them just a slight and tiny bit shorter.
thus, i took my craft//fabric scissors and went wild.
bad. idea.
the bangs are awful now:
uneven, random pieces hanging in my eyeball, and they lay quite funny.
it also seems as though certain pieces of hair are now missing?
i am not quite sure if you can tell in the above photo,
but a giant chunk is gone.
i was craving some hairspray and a headband to get this fringe out of my way
while at work this afternoon.
add to that our raging wind storm, 
and bangs are just about the worst idea for ones' head. ever.
if only i could go back to the lovely red headed gal who cut them originally.
fix them for me, please?

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