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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

from good to absolutely ridiculous

^^^ pretty good ^^^
^^^ a bit far away, but okay ^^^
^^^ seriously, megan? what on earth are you doing? ^^^

when scrolling through these photos, 
i thought the last one was simply "too good" not to share with you.
i mean, come on? what is that?
am i jumping? or running? and why am i squinting like that?
the only good thing about the above photo
is that it showcases just how neon those cords are! 
sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself, however.
i think it's good to have a laugh at your own expense every so often.
i am also laughing at the fact that i accidentally touched poo at school yesterday.
and that i tried so hard to paint my nails and smudged every finger.
and that i eat applesauce from a pouch (just like the infants).
and that i sometimes cry if a bird gets too close to me.
and that i bought a shirt with a wiener dog on it yesterday.

i suppose the primary purpose of this post,
is to emphasize that this blog is honest (sometimes too honest?).
i like it very much for that reason.
you can see just how ridiculous i am,
and laugh at me, too.

outfit details: 
cardigan: target, top: topshop (borrowed from my roommate, a), 
cords: gap, flats: fossil via macy's

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