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Sunday, March 10, 2013

an early birthday celebration

^^^ my birthday feast; thanks mom & dad ^^^

on tuesday, this girl is turning 25.
i cannot believe it.
i feel old, old, old. doesn't 25 just sound old?
i have decided the theme of my birthday this year should be "over the hill" -
it seems appropriate. 

i was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to celebrate my decent into old 
age with my family this weekend.
they spoiled me with a delicious dinner and a mini brownie birthday cake
(with coffee ice cream on the side, of course).
i cannot wait to celebrate with the girlfriends this week, too.

and you know,
i may just have to spoil myself with a pair of new toms. or something. 
i am currently lusting after this pair.
after all, i am not getting any younger.
xoxo, old woman.

*quote found here


  1. happy birthday megan!!! I am 28 and still feel stuck at about 24! :) hope you had and have fun celebrating!

  2. I say, treat yo' self! to those Tom's. Happy birthday lady :)
