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Sunday, March 17, 2013

life lately

...according to my iphone 
^^^ frozen custard, pretty necklaces, 
delicious mod pizza, 
megan & megan, going for a ride,
the baby bulldog, the gonzaga bulldog ^^^

i thought i would share a few photos with you from life lately.
it's hard to believe the weekend is already over,
and tomorrow marks a new week.
time seems to go by too quickly. 
i celebrated my birthday (for the last time, i promise) this weekend
with close friends and family.
i feel like one lucky and very loved girl.
thank you, thank you, thank you for celebrating with me
and making me feel special.

p.s. can i please have that bulldog pup?
we met him (george) at the jdrf auction and gala.
if only he could have come home with us...

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