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Saturday, March 16, 2013

a facial by djaouida

^^^ isn't this room gorgeous? ^^^
i recently had the pleasure of receiving a facial from the skin guru, 
and lovely esthetician, djaouida.
working in conjunction with a wellness center in west seattle,
djaouida helped my skin feel softer, brighter, and completely refreshed!
now when can i book my next appointment?

each of djaouida's facials are location-themed;
i received the hawaiian facial.
using all natural products, the primary ingredients of my facial included: 
coconut milk, papaya, mango, pineapple, and honey.
i honestly felt as though i was on the beach!
(all that was missing was a tasty mai tai...)

i had several questions regarding my skin
and skin care regimen,
and djaouida could confidently answer them all.
my skin is incredibly oily and prone to breakouts.
i feel as though i have tried all acne-related products on the market, to no avail.
one product i haven't tried? honey.
since my facial, i have begun washing my face (while in the shower)
with honey.
honey has a natural antibacterial agent in it, 
and can be incredibly hydrating for skin.
while my skin is by no means perfect,
it does look and feel better.
thank you, djaouida! 
**note: be sure the honey you use says either "raw" or "pure"

i am so grateful to have met djaouida
and look forward to going back to see her soon!
another thing i cannot wait for?
she is in the process of developing her own skin care line.
i hope to be one of her first customers!

if you have any questions about my facial, or are interested 
in having your own, please feel free to email me.
you can visit djaouida's person website here.

*all images found here

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