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Saturday, March 16, 2013

cleanin', cleanin'

^^^ gotta fix those bangs and straighten the necklace, of course ^^^
chambray, t-shirt & necklace: nordstrom, leggings: birthday gift, socks: dkny,
boots: hunter

yesterday was the big spring clean at preschool.
it was epic, let me tell you.
our little babes have been sick beyond belief as of late.
it seems if it isn't one thing, it's another.
thus, we scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed our classroom.
it felt good to get everything picked up, too.
i had the pleasure of wiping and cleaning out cabinets
and making a jungle animal collage on the wall.
so much fun! 
i cannot wait to show it to one of the munchkins in particular -
to him, all animals are "puppy!"
we spend all day looking for and reading about puppies.
i wish i could video him to share with you,
but i promise, it would make you smile.
hope you had a great end to your week! 

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