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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

yogurt & life

^^^ coffee date, necklaces galore at target, some inspiration;
zipper shoes, my best friend, snuggled pup, more inspiration ^^^

while eating frozen yogurt today,
my girlfriends and i began chatting...
...about yogurt, and sweets, and life in general.
i typically go for coffee or chocolate or cake batter (sometimes all three together);
add copious toppings with loads of sprinkles.
my roommate a prefers tart with cereal,
while m likes the classic: chocolate and vanilla swirl.
that's relatively descriptive of our personalities.
eclectic for me, 
sweet and sassy for a, and classic//kind as can be for m.
thank you frozen yogurt for being both delicious and inspiring. 
we'll be back soon, zoey yogurt. 

*quotes found here

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