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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

healthy eating. or not.

i know i say this all the time,
but i have a major sweet tooth.
in fact, it is becoming slightly problematic.
you see, the last time i went to the dentist, 
i had a cavity. 
not from lack of brushing or flossing, but from consuming too many treats!

i made brownies this past weekend,
and the tray is gone.
as are most of my white chocolate covered oreos.
oh and that bag of s'mores goldfish? gone.
somehow i have only had frozen yogurt once this week,
but then again, it is only tuesday.
the icing on the cake, however,
is when i was folding laundry and noticed the black pants i wore to work yesterday
seriously. i could see through them.
the back of the pants are merely held together by a few tiny pieces of thread.
i can blame the fact that i bought them on clearance,
that i've worn them a few too many times, etc. etc.,
but i think the real issue is the fact that i need to limit my treat intake,
and focus more on eating healthy.
i thoroughly enjoy eating fruits and vegetables.
if a treat is nearby? i will choose that. 

starting tomorrow i am going to strive to eat healthier
^^^ tonight has already been ruined ^^^
i will keep you apprised of my progress.
until then,

*note: this post is not intended to project a poor body image;
i simply want to eat better and live a healthier and more active lifestyle. 
thank you for understanding :) 


  1. I'm with you girl. People think I joke about how serious my sweet tooth is but it's totally out of control. Let me know if you figure out how to break the addiction!

    1. i will definitely keep you posted! i think i simply don't possess the necessary self-restraint haha.
