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Monday, April 29, 2013

weekend oh weekend, where did you go?

tank & jeans: nordstrom rack, denim jacket & necklace: nordstrom,
flats: borrowed from my roommate, a

i am not sure where this weekend went;
these past few days have seemingly been a blur.
what have i been "oh so busy" doing?
i  could not tell you.
reading? napping? babysitting? eating? more sleeping?
and of course, spending time with friends.
sometimes i just want a break. a real break.
i enjoy keeping busy, but it can be exhausting, don't you think?
if only i could take a few days off from work
and dedicate the time off to myself. 
i could blog more, read more, sleep more, 
run more, paint my nails, etc. etc.
oh well, a girl can dream, right?
happy monday (even though i am not quite ready)!

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