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Wednesday, May 1, 2013


^^^ i didn't quite realize how much i look like a bug in these glasses ^^^
tee: old navy, chambray: american eagle, flats, skirt & sunglasses: target

i wore this skirt (sans tights!) to work one day last week;
it was particularly sunny out (thank you, seattle!).

i recently purchased these sunglasses on a whim while at target.
i feel as though i tried on every pair in the store before settling -
and even this pair isn't the best for my face shape.
i have a hard time finding cute glasses with my long face + nose + bangs.
not the easiest of combinations. 
i envy those who can pull off any and all shapes of glasses,
especially the trendy circle shape. 
i'm also on the fence about my bangs.
they desperately need a trim (so perhaps that would help),
but i typically pin them back anyways.
growing them out sounds like far too much work,
but keeping them is equally obnoxious.
what to do, what to do.
maybe if i ever styled my hair i would like the bangs better?
perhaps it is worth a try.

i apologize for this utterly random and worthless rant.
just a few things in my brain as of late.

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