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Thursday, February 23, 2012

diy spaghetti + braided scarf

okay, okay, i know...
i need to get a hobby other than making scarves.
but i cannot stop because making scarves is such a quick, easy, inexpensive, and fun craft.
what isn't to like about that?!
after this scarf, i promise to move on to headbands... or something else :)

for this scarf, i wanted to combine my new love for the spaghetti infinity scarf
with a braided section.
this is the easiest t-shirt scarf you can make,
and will most likely take you 10-15 minutes!

to start, all you need is a t-shirt and pair of scissors.
no need to worry about making straight cuts as the pieces will be combined :)
(thank goodness because my cutting skills are comparable to that of a kindergartner)
step one:
cut your shirt from left to right in one inch strips;
aim to have nine total.
step two:
cut loops in half so you have nine long strands of t-shirt.
step three:
secure strips with one strand of the t-shirt
(see above)
allow enough space above the knot to later tie scarf together.
step four:
braid scarf to desired length.
you can have the scarf be half braided and half loose, 
or whatever you decide looks best :)
i braided approximately one third of my scarf,
and left the rest loose.
step five:
secure the braid with one strand of the t-shirt.
stretch the non-braided strands that will remain loose so they begin to curl.
(this will hide any uneven cutting)
step six:
gather both ends of the scarf and tie.
i used part of the hem for this,
as i could not figure out how else to knot both ends.
the loose pieces above will go behind your neck.
the final product will look something like this.
i apologize as it probably took longer to read my tutorial 
than it will take to physically make the scarf.
please let me know if you have questions,
or suggestions as to how better to secure both ends.
i love your feedback :)
happy crafting!


  1. wow this looks really cool! :)

  2. Love the blog and the scarf idea. I will have to try it out. I can always use more scarfs :)

  3. this is really a great diy!
    thanks for following me - well I can't see you on my gfc list, but this must be a mistake of them, perhaps you could check that it all worked?
    xxx Anita

  4. Okay, this is fantastic : ) I've made both kinds of scarves before, but not all in one! Yours is such a pretty color. Thanks for the tutorial!


  5. u got a talent girl..that looks really good!!

  6. Super cute! I glad I found this, I need to make one of those asap. You are a doll and I am in love with your blog layout!

  7. Couldn't find that anywhere else, thanx sooooooo much, my sister really wanted one and I promised I'd make her one so here we go!
