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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

happy valentine's day!

happy valentine's day everyone!
i hope your day is filled with love :)
mine will be spent with this amazingly sweet guy
{ if he ever comes home from work hehe }
valentine's day plan b:
the company i ordered cookies and treats from somehow "lost my order" m did not get special treats delivered to him at work today
hopefully this will suffice until the treats are delivered tomorrow! 
dress & shoes: nordstrom, chambray: target, necklace: nordstrom rack
fashion faux pas:
i am not wearing pink today
...i stupidly forgot to pack anything pink or red
does red lipstick count?

happy valentine's day to all my lovely readers! 

{ similar finds }


  1. HAppy valentines! & hey I love ur pumps.

  2. That first photo is too cute! Happy Valentine's Day! xo
