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Friday, February 3, 2012

liebster blog award

i cannot believe it, 
but this  little blog was awarded the liebster blog award 
from the lovely m at domesticated duchess
please check out her blog :)
this award originated from germany 
and means "favorite, beloved, dearest"

the rules:
1. show thanks to the blogger who awarded you by linking back to their blog
2. pick five blogs with under 200 followers and let them know about your nomination
3. post the award on your blog

so friends, my five nominees are...

thank you again m! 
i love the above blogs and  think you will too :)

happy casual friday! 
sweater: thrifted, t-shirt: f21, jeans & moccasins: nordstrom

this girl is ready for a nap!

{ similar finds }


  1. Wow a great post!
    I really like the photo!)

  2. Congrats on the award - love your blog x

  3. Hi Megan! I have a Versatile Blog Award for you dear... Congrats!

    Saw my blog on your 5 blog nominees for the Liebster Blog Award. Thank you so much for giving it to my blog.

    Hugs and kisses!
