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Saturday, February 4, 2012

new eyebrows

i feel like a new person today...
you know you're tired when you fall asleep before the child you are babysitting
{ fear not, she is a very self-sufficient little eight-year-old }
and then must be woken up by her mama at midnight.
{ when did staying up until midnight become utterly impossible? }
i now have a hot pink feather in my hair :) match the aforementioned eight-year-old's feather.
i did a face mask.
i believe i shaved my legs today for the first time in at least two weeks...
tmi? i apologize. it was forest status.
as for the epic dark circles under my eyes?
those remain prominent.
however, you would not believe how much better different my eyebrows look!
i decided to try brow threading today.
it. is. phenomenal.
*image found on google
i did not realize how misshapen my brows were.
and uneven.
i have been attempting to grow them out - 
which may be the most difficult thing i have done recently (plucking fiend right here).
but - as to be expected - they do not grow in evenly.
the threading did wonders! 
they are now shaped, even, clean, and lovely :) 
i highly recommend this! 
it is not painful, either.
just slightly uncomfortable.
it feels as though someone is combing your face with a fine-toothed comb.
much better than the epic pain of waxing.
and redness.
and the potential for burnt eyelids.
in addition, threading ranges from ten to fifteen dollars,
and lasts approximately six weeks.
i will definitely do this again as these buggers continue to grow (hopefully).

today i am linking up with one of my favorite blogger girlfriends, s.
see her blog here

hope you all had a fabulous saturday!


  1. I tried threading a while ago but I found it painful - not the actual threading but the woman kept elbowing me in the face with her vigorous arm movements. I then went swiftly back to waxing. I might give threading another try in the future though

    1. claire, that is awful! it is those kinds of experiences that scar us. had that happened to me, i would not have been a fan!

  2. you have a lovely blog!

  3. I may just have to try the threading! I have heard of it but didn't know much about it!

  4. I've also been meaning to try threading for so long, thanks for this post.

  5. this is interesting to know, i might try it :)

  6. I can't believe looks scurry. But love this blog :) -Melissa
