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Friday, February 24, 2012

little blog awards

the lovely a over at a girl named [allie] nominated my blog for the versatile blog award.
i feel quite special as this blog is relatively new, 
and am thrilled that you enjoy reading my rants, hearing silly stories, and 
and tolerate the numerous pictures of my wiener dog :)
 i could not be more thankful!
and do not forget to visit a,
as her blog is one of my favorites!
the details
there are three rules if you so choose to participate :)
1. thank the individual that nominated you by linking your post back to their blog
2. share seven random facts about yourself
3. send the award to fifteen deserving bloggers and let them know you nominated them.
...and that's it! 

facts about me
1. i want to wear my toms every single day
2. i am a "vegetarian" but keep "accidentally" eating chicken. must stop!
3. i do not have a tv or cable (thank goodness for hulu!)
4. i am learning how to sew :)
5. i gave up shopping for lent - eek! i can do it!
6. i am legitimately terrified of birds
7. i love love love frozen peas! 

and now...
please check out a few of my favorite bloggers :)
i believe these blogs are wonderful and deserve recognition!
i at queenb
k at smorgbord

please check out these lovely little blogs,
and thank you again, a! 


  1. Congrats pretty lady!


  2. Congrats you totally deserve it!

  3. Congrats, and thank you! :D

    - Felicity. x

  4. Congrats!! That's awesooome :)
    You deserve it!

    Also a big thanks for nominating me! xx
