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Sunday, February 26, 2012

weekend in pictures

where did the weekend go?!
i wanted to share my weekend with you via pictures...
here you go!
c and i took an infant cpr class
notice her baby is missing an appendage...
i promise it is not a reflection of her babysitting capabilities!
then i went home, backed up bailey,
and went with the family to canada to see our cousins!
mom and i at our little cousin's hockey game.
he won!
and we froze!
this is the only picture i got of our cousin...
photo fail.
i did not get any of the rest of the family either :( 
we had a great time with them however!
lots of delicious food, catching up, and story telling.
nothing like family time to get you ready for the week ahead.
how was your weekend?
it snowed a bit here!
winter, please go away.
xoxo, megan.


  1. Looks like a great weekend! I have to agree with you... winter needs to be over soon!!!


  2. I was thinking the SAME thing about winter. We literally spent a full hour yesterday trying to figure out what to do. It's too cold to do anything fun (with a baby, at least)! Can't wait for spring & summer.
