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Monday, February 6, 2012

maxi dress monday

food baby monday. tired monday. not ready for you, monday. 
other negative feelings towards monday? 
perhaps this is the reason for the aforementioned food baby?
{ my dinner last night }
...after all of my snacking during the superbowl
hence today's strategically chosen outfit
...the maxi dress
i also wore this because it is supposed to be sixty degrees in seattle today :)
now that is cause for celebration/dress wearing! 
{ dress: gift from c, denim jacket: f21, belt: uo, boots: macy's }
hopefully your belly is not hurting as badly as mine is today...
happy monday :)

{ similar finds }


  1. holy cow, that plate of fries!! yum!! i love your maxi dress. you look adorable in it. no sign of a food baby at all!

  2. what a cute outfit! you look beautiful! I can't wait for warmer weather so I can wear my maxi dresses/skirts!

  3. Cute outfit! I can't wait for 60-degree weather!

  4. Hola guapa :)
    me parece muy interesante tu blog, me gusta mucho y ¡ya te sigo !
    yo llevo poco tiempo en esto, dos semanas... pero pásate por mi blog y me cuentas.
    un beso ♥
