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Monday, February 6, 2012

the versatile blog award

this little blog was awarded the versatile blog award from my new blogging friend, c 
thank you! 

seven facts about me:
1. i name everything (my car, kindle, etc.)
2. i eat ice cream directly from the container
3. my favorite shoes are my tom's
4. i would like to go back to school
5. i clean to alleviate stress
6. i want to learn how to sew
7. i do not like peanut butter

i would like to award the following bloggers the versatile blog award:

the rules:
-thank the person who sent you this award by linking back to their blog
-share seven random facts about yourself
-give the award to fifteen of your favorite fellow bloggers
that's it! 
thank you again, c :) 
and please be sure to check out the blogs i awarded
i think you will love them as much as i do! 


  1. I really really want some TOMS, but I don't know of anywhere that sells them here in NZ, and I suspect they'd be ridiculously expensive to order online. :(

    Just dropping by from #FF. :)

  2. Wow - thanks so much for the award. I will be writing my entry tomorrow so I will be sure to link back here! x
