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Thursday, February 16, 2012

sleepy girl

why must long distance relationships be so hard? when m dropped me off at the airport last night, i was blubbering like a small child. my heart literally ached because i did not want to leave him. he (being much stronger, and more optimistic than i), assured me that we would see one another in a few short weeks. weeks seem to feel like forever. he promised to visit me in march, so the countdown until then shall commence :)

please forgive my extremely wrinkled shirt and wet hair today. i dug this out of the depths of my suitcase this morning, as i stayed with my family last night. on the bright side, i spent the night with my favorite little pooch. she is an excellent snuggle buddy :)
shirt: lucky (not sure where i purchased it), cargo pants: ann taylor loft, shoes: nordstrom, 
necklace: gift from m

{ similar finds }


  1. Sucks being away from the people you love. Hope you guys get together soon.

    Your shirt actually doesn't look that wrinkly.

    1. thank you :) i think the lace helps! and i hope so, too!

  2. I hope the days go fast for you! Hugs xx

  3. You are right long distance relationships are really hard but you should follow his example and be stronger.Eventually it all be great and if its not good then its not the end ;)


    My Etsy shop:

  4. Aw this is sad! That would be so hard and I cannot imagine being away from Tom like that! Hope your day got better, girl! Stay strong!

  5. Aw that's so tough - hang in there! I once saw what must have been a long distance couple saying goodbye at the airport - and it seriously almost made ME cry. Hopefully you have a fun weekend ahead to take your mind off it :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  6. CUTE outfit :)
