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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

turquoise tights = love

yay for colored tights! and comfortable shoes! and hump day! and new blogging friends! and m for helping me finally make a button for this little blog! and vacations! and valentine's day! 
the list could go on... 
let me just tell you...
these shoes are the dansko's of flats
i feel as though i am walking on a cloud
they are beyond comfortable! 
although i sit at my desk most of the day, 
when i do have to race around the office,
it is nice to have cloud-like shoes :)
{ brand: bare traps - from dsw } 
cardigan: nordstrom, skirt: opal, scarf & tights: target, shoes: dsw
today i am linking up with dreaming en francais
please check out her lovely blog :)

{ similar finds }

new features on this little blog:
- the ability to "shop my look" by browsing the items i am wearing, or other comparable items 
-view my style says profile (click on the link to see items on my wishlist, and those that i would wear for various events such as to work, on a date, out with friends, etc.)
-my very own diary of this girl button

thank you for checking out these new features! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LOVING the bright tights, so cute! I need to get myself a pair! Thank you so much for linking up, this was my very first one so I was a bit nervous! xo

  3. Added to my list: colored tights. awesome. Thanks :)

  4. Love the turquoise tights. Such a great way to have fun with your outfit!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  5. Ohhh love those tights! Now I want those AND the pants from my post today! Must haves? Yes, I think so :)

  6. I love those blue tights! Fun!!

  7. I love those color tights! I would totally wear such a color as well!



  8. Those bright tights look so pleasing in the eyes Megan! Plus, I love these new features you have here in your blog, the button in particular. :)

  9. Turqouis is my favorite color this spring!
