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Thursday, February 9, 2012


do you ever get an idea, and you simply have to do it? regardless of the timing? the energy it will take? the effort it will require? that was yours truly last night! 
at 7pm i decided it would be an excellent idea to completely rearrange my room.
time to clean and purge! i promise to show you the completed look shortly, as it currently looks a bit like narnia...
here are a few fun additions/picture updates :)
napkin holder to house nail polish,
valentine's-inspired manicure
mosaic flower pot to hold pens and other miscellaneous items
shirt: anthropologie, boyfriend jeans: thrifted and redesigned by me, shoes: payless, scarf: f21

{ similar finds }


  1. love love love the whole layout of your blog!!

  2. That's such a great idea with the napkin holder! xo

  3. great nail polish!!! love your outfit!!! you are very pretty... great blog!!! following you now.. hope you could visit my blog too.. kisses!!

  4. Reorganizing is a pain - but doesn't it feel SO good after? Loving those adorable shoes you are wearing :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  5. love how you store you nailpolosh!
