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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

the healthiest fruit salad

for book club tonight 
(we discussed "extremely loud & incredibly close"),
i made the healthiest fruit salad of all time.
i borrowed the recipe from my mom's best friend,
and it is delicious :)

8oz of cream cheese
8oz of sour cream
a splash of vanilla extract
several pinches of sugar
lots and lots of grapes
to do:
mix sour cream, cream cheese, vanilla extract, and sugar.
stir in grapes.
let mixture sit at room temperature so the cream cheese will soften.
mix and mix until your arm hurts.
refrigerate for approximately 30 minutes before eating.

i bet you know what i will be having for breakfast and lunch tomorrow...
leftovers :)


  1. Oh YUM - this looks so good...I would definitely love some for breakfast :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  2. I LOVE Extremely Loud. I just met Jonathan Safran Foer last month in DC. Gosh, I love that man. If he asked me to marry him, I would say yes in a heartbeat... *le sigh*
