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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

nanny tales (ii)

the most precious munchkin...
blowing on a dandelion with her snack cup in hand :) 

i few interesting/hilarious tales that have taken place recently:
-forgetting the diaper bag for one of the babe's and then having to purchase him diapers (which do not come in small package sizes), wipes, and a new outfit.
-puke coming out of baby's nose and mouth at the same time - eek! 
-pushing a babe on the swing for the first time (his first time).
-baby holding my finger while i feed him his bottle.
-coming home covered in snot and puke everyday this week.
-hiding from crocodiles under the blanket.
-being told "you're my favorite".
-eating pancakes at least twice a week.
-baby poo-ing on me while sitting in my lap.
-baby smiling at me when i come to wake him up.

who would have thought nannying would be this (un)glamorous, but rewarding?! 
not me. 
and i love it :)
happy hump day! 


  1. I am so jealous. I would love to be a nanny. adore kids.

  2. Oh my heart, I miss being a nanny I really really do.

    I remember being a bad place in my life, and Hailey the two year old came up and put her hands on my face and said, "i love you Miss Shay." and I knew I was doing what I should be doing..
