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Friday, April 20, 2012

an outfit

all of the babies are sick! 
thus, this nanny is sick, too.
we have been taking lots of communal naps,
drinking juice and water (and milk for the tiny humans),
and being especially lazy.
today we got a treat for our sore throats :)
i think all the cookie dough on mine really helped...
i know these outfit pictures are incredibly high quality...
but i really wanted to show you my newly thrifted shoes :)
happy friday! 


  1. Love the shoes, and the scarf!

  2. Now I want some frozen yogurt!
    P.S. I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award :)

  3. Now. Now. I need you to feel better. It is so hard to take care of little people when you're sick.

    FYI my little boy I nannied for gave me the swine flu, needless to say I didn't love him for about a week as much as I should have.

    Those shoe win.

  4. Aww poor sick babies : ( And you! At least you got some yummy ice cream to make you feel better! Cookie dough solves all problems. Love your shoes!

  5. Stop IT. Those are thrifted? You ARE AWESOME!
