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Sunday, April 22, 2012

just strollin'

today i participated in the annual fremont troll stroll to benefit cystic fibrosis. 
it was the first (officially) warm day of spring (in seattle),
and i hung out with three friends,
and ran into several others while strollin'.
what better way to spend a saturday than with good friends, 
sunshine, and a tiny bit of beer that will help others?
i think you will thoroughly enjoy these pictures, too...
look what we found?!
my two new best friends.
adorable :)
most legit bouncer... ever...

so much fun :)
hope you had a fabulous saturday, too! 


  1. cute :) Looks like a fun time and for a great cause as well!

  2. My dearest friend has C.F. I read the words and stopped. I just love you now for participating.
