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Saturday, April 28, 2012

newly thrifted

i have been doing a tiny bit of thrifting recently...
my two favorite thrifting destinations are the value village near my apartment, and oh bella 
(a local consignment shop).
where do you have the best luck thrifting? 
here are a few of my most recent purchases :)
frye boots from value village (forty dollars)
j crew skirt from value village (six dollars)
cocktail dress from oh bella (twenty dollars)
c&c tunic (nine dollars) & anthro shirts (seven dollars each) from value village

i cannot wait to wear these items.
the boots will be worn tonight 
as i am going out to dinner with my faraway girlfriend who is visiting!!
enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. Those deals are awesome! I LOVE that skirt! Just found you from the LAC list on Twitter :)

  2. I'm dying over the Frye boots for $40! You got some great stuff!

    The Tiny Heart

  3. love the new boots!!! and that dress is adorable too! great finds!!

  4. great finds! i love me some thriftin.
