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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

trader joe's // hump day inspiration

i love this :)

dear trader joe's,
why must you be so wonderful?
and why must you have the best/most addicting snacks?
the cranberry oatmeal cookies dipped in white chocolate were a sufficient treat.
then i had to discover the mustard and onion coated pretzels.
and canned pears.
and "test" three free samples of mac n cheese.
and a dark chocolate bar.
and some ice cream to bring home.
i had to buy a plethora of frozen goods as i am still without pots and pans
(i splurged on a $16 hair cut at supercuts instead of the $20 pot)...

in honor of hump day,
i thought i would shower you with inspirational messages
(courtesy of pinterest).
after all,
we are half way through the week.
and two days away from gorgeous spring weather this weekend. 
i cannot wait to sleep in 
and spend time with the girlfriends who have been away!
i find this to be very appropriate right now.

thank you for putting up with my lack of an actual post,
and tolerating my bombardment of images from pinterest. 
happy hump day!

*all images found here


  1. Trader Joe's "diner" mac n cheese I sooooo amazing...omg haha :)


  2. Very inspirational post and I love it. Just the perfect thing to finish out the week strong.

  3. AnonymousMay 10, 2012

    Ha! Love the boyfriend criteria, and of course all of the quotes. I am utterly in love with Trader Joe's! They have the yummiest mini chocolate chip cookies. Yummmm...


  4. Haha, that boyfriend criteria list is adorable! Good check list :)

    I totally agree about Trader Joe's, everything they have is amazing... sadly I moved away from California and we don't have one here in Florida which makes me super sad :(

  5. Cute post! Love the boyfriend criteria! lol


  6. I completely agree with the last statement that, "things fall apart so other things can fall together."...that totally explains my life right now.
    ..I'm not usually a trader joes shopper just cause i feel like I eat everything so fast and it was all so expensive. But I am addicted to a similar place called Sunflower Market that seems cheaper!
