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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

a happy list

sweater: lc for kohl's, jeans: opal, flats: nine west
(several people asked why i didn't ask for new pants for christmas;
these jeans are my favorite!)

here are a few things that have made me happy as of late:

1. spending the past few days with friends and family.

2. martinelli's sparkling cider. delicious! 

3. the above sweater with fuzzy hearts :) 

4. sleeping in and having a few days off from school. such a treat. 

5. santa visiting these parts and blessing this girl with a new computer. i could not be happier!

6. having some of my favorite girlfriends home for the holidays. i cannot wait to spend some special time with them! 

what are you happy about?
i hope you had a wonderful weekend and christmas holiday. 
see you soon! 

1 comment:

  1. So fun! I love that sweater! I've wanted one just like (or similar to) that for a while! :)
    Sounds like you have had a great holiday! I had some girl friends over for an afternoon too. :) They're all married with kids or pregnant and it's so crazy.
