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Thursday, December 27, 2012


 few photos from the past few days:
words to live by ** // delicious red velvet cake from grandma // new shoes for this girl // 
sleeping pup // returning a few items // breakfast for dinner
**read below for explanation

today i had the pleasure of visiting the dentist.
if you know me very well, you know i despise the dentist. absolutely despise him.
i consider myself a pro when it comes to brushing and flossing,
yet my efforts are always in vain.
thus, i got to spend my morning getting a cavity filled and some chipped teeth fixed.
i always imagined spending my blessed christmas vacation in the dentist's chair... 
today was made even more special when faj decided to join me.
he had a chipped tooth, too and thought "hey, let's go together!"
faj and i set out for the dentist at 11am and did not finish until after 1pm.

i spent the rest of the afternoon drooling like a complete fool and unable to speak coherently.
now that the numbness has worn off,
i am sitting here with my extra large bag of m&m's -
...just to spite my dentist.

anyways, after surviving the morning, 
i thought to myself "i deserve a little treat for having to get a shot in my gums.
and for sitting in that unpleasant chair for two hours."
treat #1: the above betseyville shoes with studs :) 
treat #2: getting my eyebrows threaded

usually, eyebrow threading is my go-to method for removing those pesky eyebrow hairs.
today, that was not the case.
the eyebrow-threading-woman must have been in a horrid mood
and took out her anger on my brows.
for now, they are gone. completely gone.
what remains are two tiny tiny little baby strips of what were formally my brows.
RIP bushy eyebrows. i will miss you.
i will now spend the next six months growing these stupid skinny things out.
never will i reward myself with an improptu trip to get something waxed/threaded/fixed AGAIN.
sincerely, eyebrow-less.


  1. Uh oh! Sorry about your eyebrows! I did something similar to myself when I was 13 and didn't know what I was doing. ;-) Get a good eyebrow pencil and fill them in as best you can!

    1. thank you, amanda! at least you can relate :) definitely need to invest in something to feel these buggars in!
