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Sunday, December 30, 2012


where has the time gone?
it seems just yesterday i was counting down the days until christmas break - 
and now? it is almost over...
what have i been up to?
well... my eyebrows have not grown back (in case you were curious).
i have been ridiculously unproductive.
my closet somehow pooped itself and the contents are now on my floor.
i have eaten my fair share of frozen yogurt.
i snuggled my favorite little pup.
i did get to visit//babysit some of my little munchkins from preschool.
and i have spent as much time as possible with the girlfriends.

i suppose the break has not been entirely unproductive?
however, i need another week (or three) off before heading back to work.
what about you?
ready to rewind these past few days?

i am currently trying to fix my face.
i accidentally left a mask on for ONE POINT FIVE HOURS the other day.
it is now completely raw and burnt looking and peeling off.
it looks as though i have fur.
and makeup? no way will it stay on or cover the damage i have done.
thus, i am dedicating tonight to rejuvenating my skin.
fingers crossed it magically heals before tomorrow...
xoxo, damaged.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness girl! A burnt, eyebrow-less face doesn't sound any good! Hope it's starting to heal/grow back ;)
    Happy New Year! Keep smiling!
