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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

a bet

...wish me luck!

^^^ delicious yogurt, dress shopping, flowers for ME!
hearts and layers and boots, packing, extra caramel and whipped cream, please ^^^

so... the bet...
i am not allowed to shop until FEBRUARY 14, 2013!
why valentine's day, you might ask?
no reason in particular. 
it was the first concrete date that came to mind and is far away, but not too far.
i have a problem.
i shop, and i shop too often.
working downtown has proved detrimental to my savings account.
and so, it is time for a change.
sticking to a budget is impossible (for me).
therefore, i am cutting out my frivolous hobby and the bulk of my spending completely.
absolutely no shopping for me for the next 23 days.
realistically, that is not long at all. 
psychologically, it is an eternity.
what am i going to wear?
i despise the majority of my closet.
however, i am determined to win. i know i can do this.
and you will be my support system/know the truth at all times.

the stipulations:
if i succeed at not shopping for 23 days,
i am purchasing the most gorgeous magenta moccasins in honor of valentine's day.
if i lose?
no shopping until my birthday - which is two months away
now that would be a feat...

the bet was placed yesterday (and as i bought mittens and a necklace on my lunch break), today marks my first official day. 
and you know what? no shopping!
i spent my lunch break reading as opposed to meandering through the stores downtown.
this is going to be good for me.
wish me luck!

*image found here


  1. Good Luck!

    1. thank you! it should be interesting :)

  2. What a cool challenge! I find that whenever I go thru a season of no shopping, I am forced to get really creative and I come up with the BEST outfit combos. Best of luck, I know you can do it! Just print out a picture of your moccasins and fold it around your debit card so that every time you go to spend, you remember your goal. Happy Thursday, Megan! ~Sarah of Sarah Hulbert Style

  3. I was thinking of doing the same thing except trying not to shop for the whole month of February. It will be so hard, though! Shopping is my #1 hobby. I don't want to get bored. What will you replace shopping with?

  4. Megan, I am with you. I've put myself on a shopping ban for ALL of January AND February. So far, I've been successful, but I have to admit I'm dying. Good luck lady! xo
