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Thursday, January 24, 2013

city tour from my iPhone

the rain has held out for the past few days (a rarity in seattle),
so i have been taking full advantage of the sunny (but cold) weather.
i love being outside, especially during the day to break up my work hours.
taking the babies for walks is also a bonus, 
as they, too enjoy being outside the classroom walls.
their new favorite place seems to be the market. 
with much to look at and so many people around, who could blame them?
unfortunately, there are copious pigeons on our walk to the market. 
as you are well aware, i am utterly terrified of birds.
one of the little girls loves to point and shout at the pigeons, keeping them out of our way.
i make sure to always have her in my stroller...

and now it is time to finish the bulk of my packing and cleaning.
moving truck comes in less than two days, and i am far from ready!
enjoy the rest of your week, and i will post pictures of my new home soon.

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